News and updates
Keep up to date with the latest articles and new releases from the Farming Smarter.
Take a job that accelerates your career! Farming Smarter is currently hiring enthusiastic hardworking students to join our team for the summer of 2023...
Intercropping provides many benefits to a field and farmer. Throughout the growing season, it works as a weed suppression tool, having the weeds compete against two crops instead of one, reducing the need for chemical inputs while promoting yield...
We're excited to showcase the brilliant minds from the agriculture industry February 15 & 16 at the Farming Smarter Conference! To prepare yourself for the challenges coming in 2023, don't miss these fantastic conversations!
Since 2015, Farming Smarter proved that it's possible to add corn as a forage crop for livestock and it offers some benefits for cattle and producers. The nutritional value of the crop makes it a great forage crop especially compared to forage cereals...
Give yourself six opportunities to grow your southern Alberta market. Make yourself a headliner at Farming Smarter events where the innovative ag community comes to learn and make connections...
This spring, Farming Smarter offersaccess to the latest agronomy updates from 2022 at two fantastic events...
Cover crops are an effective way to improve soil structure and health, while providing extra benefits. Not only do they reintroduce nutrients, like nitrogen, into the soil and add organic matter, cover crops reduce the risk of soil erosion...
You can attend all our live & virtual events free and you get access to on-going research the second it's available. Current information comes to you through our extensive subscriber only communications including a video library...
When it comes to ag, researchers do just about as much work in front of a computer as in the plots...
Our Custom Research team finished their first of three years in working towards improving soil health...
In any career, peer support and access to new knowledge can make the difference between success and struggle. Many professions have an association where learners and innovators can deliberate ideas, explore latest research, and share stories of success...
Farming Smarter, together with Nortera Foods, investigated the viability of garden pea varieties this year!..
Agriculture innovation hubs bring farmers and researchers together to address the industry's most pressing needs for innovative change.
When Russia invaded in February 2022, Ukrainian farmers faced unprecedented challenges. Farm operations in eastern and southern Ukraine fell under Russian occupation. and, in many cases, soldiers killed farm families and looted and destroyed the farms...
There's an old saying, "A rolling stone gathers no moss." As with many words and sayings, it has a dual meaning. According to, Â one meaning is "a person who is always moving and does not stay in a single...
Healthy soil is a trademark for sustainable agriculture. Building soil structure and increasing organic matter content in the soil are two of the best ways to develop great soil health...
In partnership with Lakeland College and SARDA Ag Research, this three year study aims to develop regional data for barley growers who hope to maximize their yields with minimal risk of lodging.
Across the country, volunteer boards of directors manage, monitor and support literally thousands of organizations, ag and non-ag alike. Board members generously contribute manhours, effort, and commitment to organizations...
For the past four years, Farming Smarter has researched the viability of cover crop production in southern Alberta.
Back in the 1960s, Canadian ag researchers took a fresh look at a low-value crop: a high-glucosinolate, strong-tasting oilseed that, until then, had mostly been appreciated as a lubricant for steam engines on naval and merchant ships...
Farming Smarter Magazine Fall 2022 edition comes this week, tucked inside Alberta Farmer Express (Oct. 31) as an extra treat waiting for you in the mail!...
Farming Smarter helps farmers improve their operation over winter because maintaining a successful farm is a year-round operation.
Subscribers will soon be able to read the final report on the efficacy of marketplace crop treatments as studied by our Agronomy team. The final report will release in early 2023...